NCC Sound Wall Presentation     View PowerPoint presentation for a complete overview

Sound Walls

Sound walls are designed to help reduce noise from the freeway, enhancing residents’ quality of life. Phase 1 of the NCC Program includes:

  • Approximately 14 proposed sound walls on private property within the cities of Encinitas and Carlsbad
  • Walls range from 8 to 16 feet
  • Two types of walls will be considered: solid and transparent
  • Construction is estimated to begin in late 2016
Sound Wall


During the environmental review process for the I-5 Express Lanes Project, which took place from 2010 to 2013, Caltrans conducted noise impact studies and identified locations along I-5 that warranted a sound wall as part of the project. These studies are based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Title 23, and Caltrans Noise Protocol.

The decision to construct a sound wall is determined by several factors such as cost, constructability, and agreements from the impacted property owner. Additionally, a proposed sound wall must meet certain noise mitigation criteria established by FHWA. This includes a requirement of reducing noise levels by a minimum of 5 decibels.

Project Status

  • Phase 1 (2016 - 2020 construction) & Phase 2 (2020 - 2030 construction) walls have been preliminary identified
  • Survey letters and other information have been sent to all Phase 1 property owners
  • Caltrans is currently developing sound wall architectural features
  • Phase 1 property owner meetings will take place from fall 2015 to summer 2016

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